Tuesday, March 15, 2011

why blog?

I am not one to blog. I mean, I log everything obsessive compulsively – things to do, things to buy, people to contact, what I eat everyday – but certainly none of it is out there, public, for the world to view on the web!  ‘Web log’ makes me nervous.  I am even skeptical of the online list making tools out there.  They might be tracking me somehow.   You might argue that nobody cares enough to track my list making habits, but hey, what if I decide to run for President one day??  All of American might know that I put off going to the doctor for 2 months, even though it was on my ‘to do’ list. 
I am quiet and probably overly private by nature, however, I recently started training for my first sprint triathlon (May 22, 2011) and it seems to be all I think about, talk about and do.  When I’m not training (which is often at this point – I’m just beginning), I am shopping for gear, eating ‘with a strategy’ or reading about triathlon.  Sometimes I cannot sleep due to anxiety about my workout the next morning.  Once the anxiety wears off, I am confident that when I sleep my dreams will be filled with swimming, biking and running.  I am pumped for triathlon and I hope I can keep this energy level up. 
My non-triathlete friends (you know the long lost buddies I used to go out and drink with at least 3x a week) and family are sick of hearing me talk about triathlon (sorry guys).  To ensure that I maintain at least a skeleton of a support network, I have decided that I need another outlet.  So here I am, throwing caution to the wind.  Goodbye future presidency.  Hello blog. 
Hopefully ‘tri because i can’ takes off and some others exploring the sport can benefit from reading about my trials and errors as I embark on my exploration of the truly expensive and rewarding world of multi sport.